Read more about our opposition to Clear Sky Acadia below.

Growing Lamoine Responsibly

Growing Lamoine Responsibly is dedicated to ensuring that Lamoine, Maine will continue to be recognized as a place defined by its rural character and natural beauty and facilitate the flourishing of small and home-based businesses as its economic base.

Moratorium vote passes by a landslide in Lamoine

PRESS RELEASE: August 16, 2023
Contact: Amy Morley
PDF of press release, Word copy of press release

Video of Crowd

By a landslide, voters of Lamoine enacted a Moratorium Prohibiting Hotels/Motels, Resorts and ‘Glampgrounds’ with a 397 to 2 vote. (The vote was by hand, so it is difficult to say with absolute certainty the exact number of voters who voted no.)


This moratorium enables the planning board to revise the town’s ordinances to prohibit, or significantly minimize, large-scale development and protect the community’s rural character.


On Tuesday, August 15 in a Special Town Meeting Lamoine residents overwhelmingly made their voices be heard that they do not want hotels, motels, resorts and “glampgrounds” in the largely rural seaside community. (A glampground is a facility for “glamping,” a style of camping with resort-style amenities and luxury services.)


The citizens group Growing Lamoine Responsibly organized the months-long campaign to enact the moratorium in response to a proposal by an Arizona-based corporation to build a large-scale glampground in the residential neighborhood of Partridge Cove Road. The moratorium was initially presented to the Select Board through a citizen’s petition. The petition collected 179 verified signatures, significantly more than were required by the Town.


“Lamoiners came out in force last night to say NO to industrial-sized developments that would clog our roads with traffic, endanger our water supply, and destroy our small town culture in direct opposition to the town's Comprehensive Plan.” Mark Harris, resident of Lamoine and member of Growing Lamoine Responsibly.


“Last night we experienced the largest attendance at a Lamoine Special Town meeting in anyone’s recollection,” said Amy Morley, a Lamoine resident and chief organizer for Growing Lamoine Responsibly. “The landslide vote sent a clear message to the planning board, as well as to CPEX –the Arizona-based corporation that would operate the proposed glampground- that Lamoine residents do not want this type of development in their town. ”


Arizona-based CPEX, which operates Clear Sky Resorts, has asked the town to approve a large-scale glamping resort on Lamoine’s environmentally fragile coastal wetlands. The glampground would feature 90 luxury domes, staff housing, a laundry facility, restaurant, swimming pool, spa, wedding venue and more. Glampers will pay $395 to $595 a night.


The moratorium will give the town planning board six months to revise Lamoine’s ordinances. This is in keeping with the town’s 2020 comprehensive plan, which recommended prohibiting hotels and motels in Lamoine’s rural and agricultural zone to preserve the town’s rural character and limited natural resources.



Project of Concern: Clear Sky Acadia Resort

Arizona based Clear Sky Resort, known as CPEX, LLC, has put in a request to the Lamoine Planning Board to develop on an approximately 228-acre parcel of land on Partridge Cove into a massive “glamping” operation with 90 domed units (425-845 sq ft each), a 6500 sq ft restaurant, a 3400 sq ft spa, 1900 sq ft wedding dome, 900 and 1900 sq ft activity domes, 1900 sq ft laundry dome, 3400 sq ft employee housing dome, 3400 sq ft maintenance dome, pool, and more. Lamoine residents are concerned about this development and its impact on the environment and the rural way of life in Lamoine. We need to protect our quality of life, water, safety, and public facilities.

A very large group of people attended the Planning Board’s Public Hearing on June 5th where this project was discussed. Nearly two dozen people offered testimony. Several subjects were raised, including concerns about the increased traffic in the area, public safety, impact on local water supplies, demand on public services, potential water pollution, both within the wetlands and the ocean nearby, the scope of the project in relationship to the size of the Town, and others. A full video of the Public Hearing can be watched here:

Clear Sky Acadia is not in alignment with the Town’s comprehensive plan of 2020 that states that Lamoine should continue to facilitate the flourishing of small and home-based businesses as its economic base, recognizing that large scale development, such as resorts, is not compatible with its rural character. Passing a moratorium on resorts, hotels, and glampgrounds is the next step to protect Lamoine’s community.

How You Can Help

  • Attend and vote! Mark your calendar now for the August 15 vote!

  • Spread the word! Share this flyer and our Facebook Page with Lamoine neighbors, friends, and family and encourage them to participate. We need everyone who is able to attend and VOTE!

  • Send us your email! Send a message through our Contact Form so we can keep you updated.

  • Donate: Help with the cost of outreach and legal fees by donating at the link above.

Public Hearing on August 1

The Lamoine Select Board held a public hearing on the proposed moratorium ordinance on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 6:30 PM at the Lamoine Consolidated School Gymnasium in Lamoine. Click here to watch the public hearing.

Documents Related to Planning Board
Meeting on August 7, 2023 

The Planning Board had a meeting on August 7 at the Town Hall. We sent this letter to the Planning Board on the afternoon of August 7: August 7, 2023 Letter to Planning Board from Amy Morley, Growing Lamoine Responsibly

Related documents:

June 5, 2023 Letter from Murray Plumb and Murray to Planning Board

June 1, 2023 Letter from Murray Plumb and Murray to Planning Board

Correspondence between DEP and CPEX

Correspondence between DEP and GLR 6/8/23

Correspondence between DEP and GLR 8/4/23

Lamoine Planning Board Meeting June 19, 2023 - Conversation Regarding CPEX - Transcribed

Maine DEP Processing Times for New Applications

Purchase and Sale Agreement between CPEX and Powers

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